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25.12.2016 - 31.12.2016
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 30 x 25 cm
25.12.2016 - 31.12.2016
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 30 x 25 cm

3.12.2016 - 8.12.2016
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 30 x 27 cm
3.12.2016 - 8.12.2016
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 30 x 27 cm

7.12.2016 - 7.01.2017
acrylic on canvas, 2016/2017, 70 x 60 cm
7.12.2016 - 7.01.2017
akryl na płótnie, 2016/2017, 70 x 60 cm

16.11.2016 - 1.12.2016
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 40 x 35 cm
16.11.2016 - 1.12.2016
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 40 x 35 cm

18.11.2016 - 21.11.2016 (Krakow, at Tomek's)
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 18 x 20 cm
18.11.2016 - 21.11.2016 (Kraków, u Tomka)
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 18 x 20 cm

11.11.2016 - 15.11.2016
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 30 x 27 cm
11.11.2016 - 15.11.2016
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 30 x 27 cm

19.10.2016 - 8.11.2016
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 50 x 45 cm
19.10.2016 - 8.11.2016
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 50 x 45 cm

23.10.2016 - 25.10.2016
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 30 x 25 cm
23.10.2016 - 25.10.2016
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 30 x 25 cm

8.10.2016 - 17.10.2016
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 40 x 35 cm
8.10.2016 - 17.10.2016
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 40 x 35 cm

26.09.2016 - 8.10.2016
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 40 x 35 cm
26.09.2016 - 8.10.2016
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 40 x 35 cm

Self-portrait: autumn 2016
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 40 x 35 cm
Autoportret: jesień 2016
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 40 x 35 cm

Rather than faithfully representing his own appearance, Piotr Krysiak's self-portraits are more like a record of the moments in which they arise. The act of painting reflects the states of the painter. Rush, boredom, or serenity leave ethereal traces in the form of rhythms or directions in specific parts of the painting.

11.09.2016 - 13.09.2016 (Turbacz)
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 18 x 20 cm
11.09.2016 - 13.09.2016 (Turbacz)
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 18 x 20 cm

30.08.2016 - 21.09.2016
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 55 x 50 cm
30.08.2016 - 21.09.2016
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 55 x 50 cm

25.08.2016 - 28.08.2016 (Pcim)
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 20 x 18 cm
25.08.2016 - 28.08.2016 (Pcim)
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 20 x 18 cm

5.08.2016 - 21.08.2016
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 35 x 40 cm
5.08.2016 - 21.08.2016
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 35 x 40 cm

Self-portrait: summer 2016
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 40 x 35 cm
Autoportret: lato 2016
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 40 x 35 cm

Rather than faithfully representing his own appearance, Piotr Krysiak's self-portraits are more like a record of the moments in which they arise. The act of painting reflects the states of the painter. Rush, boredom, or serenity leave ethereal traces in the form of rhythms or directions in specific parts of the painting.

30.07.2016 - 3.08.2016 (Wroclaw, at Karolina and Kajtek's and Czestochowa)
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 24 x 21 cm
30.07.2016 - 3.08.2016 (Wrocław, u Karoliny i Kajtka i Częstochowa)
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 24 x 21 cm

5.07.2016 - 22.07.2016
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 35 x 40 cm
5.07.2016 - 22.07.2016
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 35 x 40 cm

1.07.2016 - 7.07.2016
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 30 x 27 cm
1.07.2016 - 7.07.2016
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 30 x 27 cm

This painting was qualified for the International Art and Architecture Borders Festival in Venice, 2016.

24.06.2016 - 29.06.2016
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 27 x 24 cm
24.06.2016 - 29.06.2016
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 27 x 24 cm

Self-portrait: spring 2016
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 40 x 35 cm
Autoportret: wiosna 2016
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 40 x 35 cm

Rather than faithfully representing his own appearance, Piotr Krysiak's self-portraits are more like a record of the moments in which they arise. The act of painting reflects the states of the painter. Rush, boredom, or serenity leave ethereal traces in the form of rhythms or directions in specific parts of the painting.

Self-portrait: winter 2015/2016
acrylic on canvas, 2015-2016, 25 x 20 cm
Autoportret: zima 2015/2016
akryl na płótnie, 2015-2016, 25 x 20 cm

This painting was awarded by an international contemporary art jury in a competition organized by the Art Registry World.

Rather than faithfully representing his own appearance, Piotr Krysiak's self-portraits are more like a record of the moments in which they arise. The act of painting reflects the states of the painter. Rush, boredom, or serenity leave ethereal traces in the form of rhythms or directions in specific parts of the painting.

8.02.2016 - 28.02.2016 (Vienna, Częstochowa)
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 20 x 25 cm
8.02.2016 - 28.02.2016 (Wiedeń, Częstochowa)
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 20 x 25 cm

This painting was selected in the Dave Bown Projects 12th Semiannual Competition (2016) curated by Kathleen Goncharov, Curator of Contemporary Art, Boca Raton Museum of Art; Irene Hofmann, Director and Chief Curator, SITE Santa Fe; Al Miner, Assistant Curator of Contemporary Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
It was also awarded by an international contemporary art jury in a competition organized by the Art Registry World.

11.02.2016 (at Hernández's, Vienna)
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 15 x 13 cm
11.02.2016 (u Hernándeza, Wiedeń)
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 15 x 13 cm

26.01.2016 - 3.02.2016 (at Ula's, Vienna)
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 18 x 20 cm
26.01.2016 - 3.02.2016 (u Uli, Wiedeń)
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 18 x 20 cm

Ten obraz został nagrodzony przez międzynarodowe jury sztuki współczesnej w konkursie organizowanym przez Art Registry World.
This painting was awarded by an international contemporary art jury in a competition organized by the Art Registry World.

21.01.2016 - 26.01.2016 (at Ula's, Vienna)
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 25 x 30 cm
21.01.2016 - 26.01.2016 (u Uli, Wiedeń)
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 25 x 30 cm

This painting won the 5. Showcase in the ArtSlant competition (2016).
Ten obraz zwyciężył 5 Showcase w konkursie ArtSlant (2016).

17.12.2015 - 6.01.2016
acrylic on canvas, 2015/2016, 20 x 25 cm
17.12.2015 - 6.01.2016
akryl na płótnie, 2015/2016, 20 x 25 cm

10.12.2015 - 16.01.2016
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 40 x 35 cm
10.12.2015 - 16.01.2016
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 40 x 35 cm

Five wounds of Christ in black as Chinese white with Pythagorean Masonry and later intellectual and social rebellion for protective Anubis where sephirot on the tree of life is reaching heaven for Tiandi
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 24 x 24 cm
Pięć ran Chrystusa w czerni chińskiej bieli z pitagorejską masonerią i późniejszym społeczno-intelektualnym buntem dla strzegącego Anubisa, gdzie sefira na drzewie życia sięga nieba dla Tiandi
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 24 x 24 cm

Symbols, in a deceptive way, provide a sense of meaning. They represent memorable patterns and serve as reference points that impact reactions and attitudes. They also have an influence on decision-making.
This painting presents two symbols. The first one - black - the color of fascism, the fertile soil of the Nile, Benedictine humility, and the North. Used by religious groups, civilizations, nations, cultures, and individuals that have little in common with each other. Throughout the centuries, the color black has adopted diverse and often divergent symbolism. Black masses and cats, fear and evil. New opportunities, elegance, and shelter. In the Western world, black is associated with death and mourning, unlike in China where white serves a similar purpose, and black is seen as the color of heaven. Additionally, black is a symbol of the first Christians and Satan. When combined with the number 5, it creates symbolism used by mystics, pagan religions, and sorcerers. Five senses, the Pentateuch, and Five Holy Nights. From the Mayas to India, China, Greece, and Egypt, the pentagram represented contradictory values. For some, it is a symbol of perfection, life, and health; for others, it represents evil, dark powers, and death.
This painting depicts a world where everything is interconnected.

Cassiopeia and Cepheus: 04.04.2016, 22:18, Częstochowa
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 35 x 40 cm
Kasjopeja i Cefeusz: 04.04.2016, 22:18, Częstochowa
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 35 x 40 cm

acrylic on canvas, 2016, 40 x 35 cm
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 40 x 35 cm

acrylic on canvas, 2016, 30 x 27 cm
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 30 x 27 cm

Pole star
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 24 x 27 cm
Gwiazda Polarna
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 24 x 27 cm

Your job, your partner, your views are like the Polar Star.
The Polar Star is defined as the brightest star located closest to the northern celestial pole. This star has been used for centuries in navigation as a fixed point of reference. Still is often seen as a symbol of something unchanging, yet this constancy is undergoing continuous transformation. Currently, it is Polaris, but around 2700 BC, it was Thuban that was closest to the North Pole, and in the year 14,000, it will be replaced by Vega.

(based on ultrasound image captured on 09.03.2011, 8:49)
acrylic on canvas, 2016, 18 x 20 cm
(na podstawie obrazu USG z dnia 09.03.2011, 8:49)
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 18 x 20 cm

acrylic on canvas, 2016, 20 x 18 cm
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 20 x 18 cm

acrylic on canvas, 2016, 24 x 20 cm
Bez tytułu
akryl na płótnie, 2016, 24 x 20 cm