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The Records are about experiencing reality as it is. They are a registration without interpretations, judgements or meanings. They are about living from one moment to another. The Record can be made at any chosen place or time. The project lasted one year.

Sample videos:


Record 16.03.2013, 13:52 - 13:55, next to Skalki Twardowskiego
ink on mdf, 20 x 25 cm + video
Zapis 16.03.2013, 13:52 - 13:55, przy Ska³kach Twardowskiego
tusz na p³ycie mdf, 20 x 25 cm + wideo

Record 9.03.2013, 13:47 - 13:52, Golden lane
ink on mdf, 20 x 25 cm + video
Zapis 9.03.2013, 13:47 - 13:52, Z³ota alejka
tusz na p³ycie mdf, 20 x 25 cm + wideo

Record 24.02.2013, 12:31 - 12:37, Wolowiec
ink on mdf, 20 x 25 cm + video
Zapis 24.02.2013, 12:31 - 12:37, Wo³owiec
tusz na p³ycie mdf, 20 x 25 cm + wideo

Record 23.02.2013, 12:19 - 12:24, Wolowiec
ink on mdf, 20 x 25 cm + video
Zapis 23.02.2013, 12:19 - 12:24, Wo³owiec
tusz na p³ycie mdf, 20 x 25 cm + wideo

Record 16.02.2013, 17:05 - 17:12, Krakow: around the Krakus Mound
ink on mdf, 20 x 25 cm + video
Zapis 16.02.2013, 17:05 - 17:12, Kraków: wokó³ Kopca Krakusa
tusz na p³ycie mdf, 20 x 25 cm + wideo

Record 11.02.2013, 16:11 - 16:14, Krakow: Podolski boulevard, under the railway bridge
ink on mdf, 20 x 25 cm + video
Zapis 11.02.2013, 16:11 - 16:14, Kraków: Bulwar podolski, pod mostem kolejowym
tusz na p³ycie mdf, 20 x 25 cm + wideo

Record 3.02.2013, 13:10 - 13:15, at my parents'
ink on mdf, 20 x 25 cm + video
Zapis 3.02.2013, 13:10 - 13:15, u rodziców
tusz na p³ycie mdf, 20 x 25 cm + wideo

Record 30.01.2013, 18:45 - 18:52, home: living room, corridor and kitchen in the dark
ink on mdf, 20 x 25 cm + video
Zapis 30.01.2013, 18:45 - 18:52, dom: pokój, korytarz i kuchnia po ciemku
tusz na p³ycie mdf, 20 x 25 cm + wideo

Record 11.01.2013, 15:34 - 15:46, a cold
ink on mdf, 20 x 25 cm + video
Zapis 11.01.2013, 15:34 - 15:46, przeziêbienie
tusz na p³ycie mdf, 20 x 25 cm + wideo

Record 3.01.2013, 15:49 - 15:55, based on part of Philip Glass' "Einstein on the beach" libretto
ink on mdf, 20 x 25 cm + video
Zapis 3.01.2013, 15:49 - 15:55, na podstawie fragmentu libretto "Einstein on the beach" Philipa Glassa
tusz na p³ycie mdf, 20 x 25 cm + wideo

My movements are a result of a set of numbers defined in the Philip Glass' opera. The mind, after receiving a couple of times a certain sequence, automatically assumed the next one would be the same, resulting in losing contact with what actually is.
Moje ruchy wynikaj± z okre¶lonego w operze Philipa Glassa uk³adu cyfr. Po otrzymaniu kilka razy z rzêdu okre¶lonej sekwencji, umys³ automatycznie zak³ada, ¿e kolejny zestaw bêdzie taki sam, w rezultacie trac±c kontakt ze stanem faktycznym.

The similarity is seeming (like e.g. brushing your teeth today and yesterday).
For example, when you peel the potatoes you most likely don't concentrate entirely on this action. You get the feeling that each successive potato is just another potato. This similarity is seeming. While peeling you probably think about the meeting which will take place in an hour, or about a jaunt out of town. You are absent, however, every movement of your hands is new and this is what 'Seemingly' project is about.
It doesn't change the fact that every successive potato is just another potato.
Podobieñstwo jest pozorne (jak np. dzisiejsze i wczorajsze mycie zêbów).
Kiedy np. obierasz ziemniaki, pewnie nie skupiasz uwagi na tej czynno¶ci. Masz wra¿enie, ¿e ka¿dy ziemniak jest tylko kolejnym ziemniakiem. To podobieñstwo jest pozorne. Obieraj±c, my¶lisz o spotkaniu, które odbêdzie siê za godzinê, albo o wypadzie za miasto. Jeste¶ nieobecny. Tymczasem ka¿dy najmniejszy ruch twoich r±k jest nowy i w³a¶nie o tym jest projekt "Pozornie".
Nie zmienia to faktu, ¿e ka¿dy kolejny ziemniak jest tylko kolejnym ziemniakiem.

Seemingly (1)
acrylic on canvas, 2012, 70 x 80 cm
Pozornie (1)
akryl na p³ótnie, 2012, 70 x 80 cm

Seemingly (2)
acrylic on canvas, 2012, 70 x 80 cm
Pozornie (2)
akryl na p³ótnie, 2012, 70 x 80 cm

Seemingly (3)
acrylic on canvas, 2012, 54 x 65 cm
Pozornie (3)
akryl na p³ótnie, 2012, 54 x 65 cm

Seemingly (4)
acrylic on canvas, 2012, 54 x 65 cm
Pozornie (4)
akryl na p³ótnie, 2012, 54 x 65 cm

Seemingly (5)
acrylic on canvas, 2012, 54 x 65 cm
Pozornie (5)
akryl na p³ótnie, 2012, 54 x 65 cm

Seemingly (6)
acrylic on canvas, 2012, 46 x 55 cm
Pozornie (6)
akryl na p³ótnie, 2012, 46 x 55 cm

Seemingly (7)
acrylic on canvas, 2012, 65 x 54 cm
Pozornie (7)
akryl na p³ótnie, 2012, 65 x 54 cm

Seemingly (8)
acrylic on canvas, 2012, 46 x 55 cm
Pozornie (8)
akryl na p³ótnie, 2012, 46 x 55 cm

Seemingly (9)
acrylic on canvas, 2012, 46 x 55 cm
Pozornie (9)
akryl na p³ótnie, 2012, 46 x 55 cm

Seemingly (10)
acrylic on canvas, 2012, 54 x 65 cm
Pozornie (10)
akryl na p³ótnie, 2012, 54 x 65 cm

Seemingly (11)
acrylic on canvas, 2012, 50 x 60 cm
Pozornie (11)
akryl na p³ótnie, 2012, 50 x 60 cm

Seemingly (12)
acrylic on canvas, 2012, 50 x 60 cm
Pozornie (12)
akryl na p³ótnie, 2012, 50 x 60 cm

Seemingly (13)
acrylic on canvas, 2012, 38 x 46 cm
Pozornie (11)
akryl na p³ótnie, 2012, 38 x 46 cm

Seemingly (14)
acrylic on canvas, 2012, 50 x 60 cm
Pozornie (14)
akryl na p³ótnie, 2012, 50 x 60 cm

Seemingly (15)
acrylic on canvas, 2012, 46 x 55 cm
Pozornie (15)
akryl na p³ótnie, 2012, 46 x 55 cm